Felt Campfire

So I rarely get on pinterest, because it seems to suck away an entire hour where I accomplish nothing, and hello I have two small kiddos who rarely let me get on pinterest… But last night I was scrolling through for one reason or another, our 3 year old looked over my shoulder and said decidedly, “I WANT THAT.” to a felt campfire. He is really not one to be decisive, so I figured he meant it. Later that evening he said “I like fire. And trash trucks.” which reaffirmed this might be something he is really into, because to even be put in the same category of his obsession with trash trucks is rare. After he was in bed, I used some scraps of felt I already had and sewed up his campfire.  He helped me stuff them for 30 minutes the next day, I was surprised by his focus. But we have been having non-stop campfires, bonfires, and roasting marshmallows over here!  The marshmallows even come off the sticks, but boy can they be tricky to find in the house when they’re misplaced…

Here’s the tutorial I followed. I found it most helpful she shot a photo of all the pieces before they were sewn together. It allowed me to not even print the pattern and just wing it.

photo 2 photo 3 photo 1

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